Barnfield Hill Surgery

Private Charges and Fees

Why do GPs charge fees?

The NHS provides health care, at the point of need, free of charge.

As a practice, our priority is to ensure that patients with a clinical need are cared for under the NHS services banner. This includes referrals for additional care from hospitals and other community providers.

In addition, GP’s are often asked to complete work which does not fall under the NHS Services Contract. Work that may require a medical opinion or information from your medical record.

This work is not funded by the NHS and is charged for privately.

Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs charge their NHS patients include:

Accident/sickness insurance certificates • Certain travel vaccinations • Private medical insurance reports

Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge other institutions include: • Medical reports for an insurance company • Some reports for the DSS/Benefits Agency • Examinations of local authority employees • Reporting regarding joining the Army

How much will I be charged?

This will vary according to the information requested, the professional time needed from the GP and the administration costs, to provide the information to you.

We appreciate that not all of our patients are able to fund the cost of private medical work and we will make concessions when we are able, with proof of the relevant benefit entitlement such as Income Support or Pension Credits. You will receive the same report / letter, but the GP has given their time for free to complete this for you, so that we can charge just the administration cost.

How long does it take to get a form completed?

GP’s have a very heavy NHS workload and are often managing significant complexity. This work along with urgent NHS referrals will take priority so there may be a delay of up to 4 weeks for your requested letter or report. If you require your letter earlier than 4 weeks this will need to agreed and an additional fee will be payable for the GP’s time.

How can I keep costs down? 

Access to online records is free of charge and you can print or download a copy for your own records. Please ask at reception for a form or email 

Our team are always happy to send a quick message, confirmation, attach blood results or immunisation records to a text message,  sent  out to your mobile telephone or email address.

How do I pay?

Payment can be made by cash or card.

Pre-payment is required for all non-NHS services.

Fees and Charges for non-NHS Reports and Examinations Any other requests not listed, please contact the surgery for advice (From 1st May 2023)Low Income (evidence required)Standard Fee
Holiday cancellation form     £10     £35
Fitness for Travel Visa     £10     £30
Private Travel Vaccinations:

Please contact practice

Private Blood Test (procedure, not including

cost of test)

Certificates/Letters without examination:
Straight forward letter of fact (one side)     £10   £30
Full GP Report (including opinion on information)    £30    £75
Fitness to use Gym/ Fly    £10    £30
Childminder/Ofsted Report (form supplied to us)    £40
Childminder/Ofsted Report (form and examination)   £90
Disability Student Allowance Form    £25
Private forms/ Referrals:
Insurance claim form   £35
Private referral   £15
Insurance Report:
Full Medical Report   £105
Targeted Medical Report   £105
Supplementary Medical Report   £27
Medical Examinations:
DVLA (HGV/LGV/PSV/Taxi/Elderly Driver)   £105
Sports   £90
Firearm/Shotgun Certificate- Occupation Only   £50
Army form   £65
Occupational Form – No GP Opinion   £30
Legal Services:
Power of Attorney – witness   £35

Date published: 4th July, 2023
Date last updated: 6th November, 2023